Category Archives: The mathematical reality

The Mathematical Truth

                Mathematics portraying reality isn’t a new insight. We have been sensing it ever since the preliminary structure of mathematics, and their formulations, appeared. Over time, as the language of mathematics evolved, the understanding that mathematics reflects the reality of universe immensely sharpened. From its practical utilities to its guidance in formulating the reality of space-time, the representations of mathematics seem to pitch the most accurate information about our universe, many of which we hadn’t have known if we hadn’t accustomed ourselves with the mathematical tone. That is why the prevailing notion: “Mathematics is a language that is discovered rather than invented.”

                The idea of mathematics depicting truth doesn’t point to the counts appearing in everyday life and universal organization, or numerology. It plainly says this: The way mathematics arranges is identical to the way universe structures. This holds true, whether we talk of simple arithmetical depictions or complex algebraic formulations—the ones by which we have learned some of the hidden meanings of the universe.

We can start out with messages at a very basic level:

The square and cube of a number imitate the 2-dimensionality and 3-dimensionality of the real world. The example of 3:


                Want to know how universe arranges itself in even higher dimensions—that current findings and theoretical models are pointing to—ask mathematics:
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Image credit: A Hanson, Indiana University

is one example.


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